Saturday, October 02, 2004

Noah's approach to the arts, sciences and athletics

Noah's been watching a number of science programs about stars and galaxies and things like that. So now occasionally he'll come up to us for an exchange something like this:

Noah: Did you know that eleven billion years ago our planet didn't even exist yet?

James: Really?

Noah: Yes, because it was all still in a supernova!

James: Wow.

Noah: What's a supernova?

He's just a sponge, and it's great. Meanwhile, something's turned on inside his noggin and his drawing has become very precise. Today, he made a car with windows, doors, headlights, and wheels made of macaroni. The car was driving on dirt he colored in, and the setting sun was shining in spaces just in front of the car and under its body. Holy moly! There are some details he hasn't gotten to yet, like the number of fingers on a hand. He just draws twenty or so hashmarks on each hand.

Noah's also been playing soccer in a preschoolers' league (no goalies) for a month now, and it's interesting to watch him. I don't think he's very interested in winning or losing, or in getting more points for his team. He chases after the ball, but his happiest moments are when he's devising specially shaped loops to run in to get to the ball -- circle this time, or oval? That, and social hour stuff -- finding the member of the other team that has the same number as is on his back, rhyming silly rhymes with the girl from the other team as they are both ostensibly battling each other for ball (but not really), and so on. The big deal is halftime, when everyone gets orange wedges. Whatever he's getting from it, he's having fun.


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